PyMeilisearch documentation 0.3.2#

PyMeilisearch provides a simple command line interface (CLI) to create indexes in a Meilisearch service.

Because the Meilisearch Python API provides only limited capabilities, PyMeilisearch was designed to provide more extensive capabilities, including these:

  • Using predefined templates for popular documentation themes

  • Scraping local documents

  • Scraping documents on websites

Example Search

Getting started

Learn how to install PyMeilisearch and start a local instance either from the command line or from an image in a Docker container.

Getting started
User guide

Learn how to use PyMeilisearch to scrape and upload documents or a website to Meilisearch and then integrate Meilisearch into a website as a web component (search bar).

User guide
API reference

Learn about PyMeilisearch API endpoints, their capabilities, and how to interact with them programmatically.

API reference

Learn how to use PyMeilisearch to create your own indexes with custom templates from online files, local files, or files in the repositories of GitHub organizations.
