============================== .. py:module:: .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Module providing the Meilisearch client. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: BaseClient(meilisearch_host_url=None, meilisearch_api_key=None) Provides the base class for the Meilisearch client. Initialize the Meilisearch client. :Parameters: **meilisearch_host_url** : :class:`python:str`, default: :data:`python:None` URL for the Meilisearch host. **meilisearch_api_key** : :class:`python:str`, default: :data:`python:None` API key (admin) for the Meilisearch host. :Raises: :obj:`RuntimeError` If the ``meilisearch_host_url`` or ``meilisearch_api_key`` parameter is ``None`` and the corresponding environment variable is not set. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:property:: meilisearch_api_key Meilisearch API key. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:property:: meilisearch_host_url Meilisearch host URL. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MeilisearchClient(meilisearch_host_url=None, meilisearch_api_key=None) Bases: :py:obj:`BaseClient` Provides for scraping documents and indexing content in Meilisearch. If no values are passed for the ``meilisearch_host_url`` or ``meilisearch_api_key`` parameters, the constructor checks for their values in environment variables. Initialize a new instance of the ``MeilisearchClient`` class. :Parameters: **meilisearch_host_url** : :class:`python:str`, default: :data:`python:None` URL for the Meilisarch host. **meilisearch_api_key** : :class:`python:str`, default: :data:`python:None` API key (admin) for the Meilisearch host. :Raises: :obj:`RuntimeError` If the ``MEILISEARCH_HOST_URL`` or ``MEILISEARCH_API_KEY`` environment variables are not set and no values are passed to the constructor for initializing a new instance of the ``MeilisearchClient`` class. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:property:: client Meilisearch client. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!