User guide ========== Meilisearch stores data in the form of discrete records called *documents*. It then groups these documents into collections called *indexes*. In an index's settings, you can customize the search behavior for this index. The settings for one index do not impact other indexes. For more information, see the `Meilisearch documentation `_. You use PyMeilisearch to scrape and upload documents or a website to Meilisearch. This section describes how to use this command-line interface (CLI) tool to do the scraping and uploading. It then describes how to integrate Meilisearch into a website as a web component (search bar). .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: Use PyMeilisearch to scrape and upload :fas:`fa fa-terminal` :link: cli-usage :link-type: doc Learn how to use PyMeilisearch to scrape and upload documents or a website to Meilisearch. .. grid-item-card:: Integrate Meilisearch into a website :fas:`fa fa-server` :link: web-component :link-type: doc Integrate Meilisearch into a website as a web component (search bar). .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 cli-usage web-component